lahave river invasive species project
Researching the level of impact that invasive fish species have on the LaHave River Atlantic Salmon population
Smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) and chain pickerel (Esox niger) are non-native fish species in Nova Scotia. Over the past decade, both of these non-native species have become established throughout a large portion of the LaHave River watershed. This illegal introduction has exposed our native fish to two highly predatory species as well as increased levels of competition for food and habitat.
Coastal Action initiated the LaHave River Invasive Species Project in 2017 to determine if Atlantic salmon smolt are being preyed upon by chain pickerel and smallmouth bass as they migrate to the ocean during early spring.
Research took place from April to September and involved analyzing the stomach contents of fish captured via scientific angling and electrofishing. Chain pickerel and smallmouth bass were tagged in 2018 as part of a mark and recapture study to determine population estimates for these species in Wentzells Lake. project reports |